Anupam Gupta

· Software Engineer @ Appella AI, London
· SDE 2 @ Amazon Web Services, Seattle
· BTech @ University of Washington (UW), Seattle

Email me at:

I am an experienced software development engineer enthusiastic about combining modern research techniques with pre-established software engineering frameworks to create user-friendly, long running software offerings!


Junior Project Officer (Graduate Researcher), Smart Agricultural IoT

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

  • Design and Implement On-Field and Cloud Infrastructure for mid-scale Smart Agricultural IoT fields
  • Implement software solutions for intermittent power and network connectivity, limited memory constraints and ease of maintenance
  • Implement local clustered buffering on resource-hungry node-hardware, Implement smart network fall-back management to prevent bandwidth bottleneck,
  • Design and Implement continuous Data pipeline and Anomaly Alarming System for continuous sensor-data and hardware-telemetry data flow
  • Technologies Used: AWS, Python, Java, Code Pipeline, C++, MQTT, Microservice Architecture

January 2021 - Present

Software Development Engineer 2

Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Greengrass, Seattle

  • Design analytics and metrics solutions for all IoT Greengrass cloud offerings Implement and maintain cross-team asynchronous serverless analytics solution for serverless cloud services
  • Develop large-scale back-end customer features for the Greengrass Cloud Offering Streamline Operational latency for service and infrastructure deployment
  • Develop and maintain internal tooling on serverless infrastructure to ensure to provide easy logging access across cloud services
  • Technologies Used: Java, Python, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, AWS Cloudformation, AWS Kinesis, AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS ELB, AWS Cloudwatch, AWS CodePipeline, Microservice Architecture, Event Driven Architecture
January 2019 - January 2021

Software Development Engineer Intern

Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Team

  • End to End Development – Back End Java Development, Front End Angular JS Development, Public API Development using Java.
  • Implemented integration tests for complete overall testing of different Backend APIs.
  • Implemented Remote User Tests for comprehensive automated UI/UX Testing.
  • Database Analysis and Optimization for different Use Cases – DynamoDB.

August 2017 - November 2017

Teaching Assistant (TA)

UW, Seattle, CLUE UW and IIT KGP

  • Performed TA duties across multiple classes - Web Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Advanced Database Management Systems, Introduction to Programming via C and Processing and Advanced Physics
  • Teach 10-15 students for one hour each twice every week
  • Conduct code reviews for 10-15 students twice every week
  • Conduct additional help sessions (office hours) twice every week
  • Languages taught - Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Java, Python, C, Processing

2015 - Present (Multiple)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

UW Database Lab

  • Working with the Database Lab at Paul G Allen School on the Visual Cloud Project
  • Enabling HEVC video support on Chromium browser built on Android Operating Systems.
  • Enabling audio support for HEVC/H265 videos
  • Testing and ensuring minimal power consumption of devices running different videos and enabling hardware decoders as needed to support different video specifications.
Summer 2017 - Winter 2018

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Autonomous Flight Systems Laboratory

  • Creation of NDVI maps based on data collected in the field.
  • Unit Testing Developer Code to test for borderline conditions.
  • Assisting in developing hardware for autonomous flight systems.
  • Setting up Network to connect various devices and computers in remote locations and connecting them to the Internet.
Winter 2015 - Winter 2016


University of Washington, Seattle

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
Data Science Track

GPA: 3.73

August 2015 - December 2018

Don Bosco High School

Computer Science Program

GPA: 4.00

2001 - August 2015


Programming Languages and Framework Profeciency
  • Java (11+years)
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Go
  • Git
  • Kotlin
Web Development
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript, Typescript
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS (Express and Sequelize)
  • NPM
  • PHP
  • MySQL, PostgresSQL, Dynamo DB, MongoDB, Hadoop, AWS RDS, Redshift
  • AWS Cloud Deployment (CI/CD), Auto-deployment, AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Development Experience
  • Microservices Architecture with Separation of Concerns
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Continuous Integrated Testing and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Integrated Continuous Testing and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Agile Development & Scrum


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    My Life as a Movie - A Pictorial AI Journal(2023) - My Life as a Movie is a Pictorial AI journal that allows users to create an account and use the portal for journal entries. The journal entries remain completely secure and individual to the users. After a journal-entry, the system is able to asynchronously and serverlessly analyze the journal entry, summarize it effectively, and generate an applicable image for the entry. The journal allows the user to come back at any time and visually analyze how their past few days have been. The system utilizes a fine-tuned and prompt engineered Flan-T5 model for text-summarization and the Dall E-2 diffusion model hosted on a serverless AWS Sagemaker Inference Container for image-generation. This full-stack application utilizes a personal mysql server and S3 bucket for backend data-storage. The portal can be found here:

    Technologies Used :
    • • Text-Summarization
    • • Diffusion Models
    • • AWS Sagemaker
    • • AWS S3
    • • PHP
    • • AWS S3
    • • AWS Lambda
    • • Javascript
    • • HTML
    • • CSS

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    CodeArena - Code Question Repository, Compiler and Testing Platform for IIT KGP(2022) - CodeArena provides a unique interface for IIT KGP students registered in the introductory programming course to explore, learn, test and grow their C programming proficiency by practicing against a wide-array of programming problems. The platform supports Topic and Difficulty Segregated Online Coding Question Bank For Beginner and Mid-level C Programmers, Online Code-Highlighted Editor and Compiler support for over 50+ C programs, Cloud Supported Code Backup for every question once a user has attempted a question and Automated Testing on selected questions.The portal can be found here:

    Technologies Used :
    • • HTML
    • • CSS
    • • Javascript
    • •Server-side
    • • PHP
    • • AWS S3
    • • AWS KMS
    • • AWS Lambda
    • • AWS API Gateway

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    In-Situ Edge Intelligence Enabled Waste Segregation System (2021) - The In-situ Waste Segregation System aims at performing real-time separation of waste before items are accumulated. This project aimed at combining the constraints of real-time separation with image-processing and using low-latency-promising light CNN inferential models to identify and classify objects while they are in-transit. In addition, a model delivery mechanism and multiple sensor and software models were experimented with to achieve accuracies of upto 60% and inferential latencies as low as 10 ms in a resource constrained ESP32 chip.

    Technologies Used :
    • • Machine Learning
    • • Resource-Constrained Model Development
    • • Production-Ready Development
    • •Python

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    IIT KGP Computer Science Semester-wise Course Scheduler (2021) - IIT KGP offers Semester Wide Schedules through a PDF file, as such, it can be really tough to find optional subjects that match with the current class schedule. To get around this, the Course Scheduler offers an easy to use-interface that is pre-loaded with each semester’s schedule. The Course Scheduler allows the user to test different class combinations and ascertain if the combinations work easily and if so, they can easily view a week-wide class graphic schedule for the semester. The Course Scheduler is being reviewed by IIT KGP authorities for final integration into the campus-wide student-facing portal. The scheduler can be found here:

    Technologies Used :
    • • PHP
    • • AJAX
    • • Javascript
    • •HTML
    • • CSS

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    Web Development Examples Website (for CSE 154) (2019) - Web Development Examples Website is a resource aimed towards students who are learning web development language. The website introduces various web development concepts along with examples and provides the reader with an online portal where they can read, update and experiment with code. The website was built for students taking CSE 154 (Web Development) at the University of Washington, Seattle as an addition to the set of resources they can use while going over different web development concepts. The original website (still in use) can be found here:

    Technologies Used :
    • • HTML
    • • CSS
    • • Javascript

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    Sidewalk-a11y-geovis (2018) - Sidewalk-a11y-geovis is an online data visualization tool that works in tandem with Project Sidewalk. The interactive prototype highlights (in)accessible areas of DC via creative use of geo-visualization techniques such as heat maps, street-level visualization and others, for a dataset of geo-tagged accessibility labels. This project was accepted as a paper in the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. The published paper can be found here:

    Technologies Used :
    • • HTML
    • • CSS
    • • Javascript
    • • D3.js
    • • AJAX
    • • PHP
    • • Data Wrangling

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    Nurse Watch (2018) - Nurse Watch is a prototype design that allows nurses in care-taking homes to coordinate with each other and maintain lists of duties for each patient. The simple-to-use user interface makes it easy for nurses, caring for multiple patients, to easily keep track of medical needs and duties/checklists for each patient. In addition, the prototype design and software also allow multiple nurses working in the same hospital to co-ordinate and respond to emergencies, if and when it arises. Nurse Watch is also helpful for maintaining accountability across multiple medical employees in an institution.A detailed report for this project can be found here: here

    Skills Used :
    • • User Research
    • • User Experience Design
    • • Wireframing
    • •User Testing (A/B)

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    OCReadable (2017) - OCReadable is a website that is aimed at spreading awareness about information inaccessibility for the print disabled community, primarily focused on educational institutions. The website offers tools that allow users posting online content (scans/images with data, etc.) to check how accessible the content is for their audience. The website uses OCR scans and a comparison algorithm to rate the content on an accessibility scale of 1 -10 and provides real time tips to make the content more accessible. The website also offers overall tips to keep in mind whenever one is sending out educational data publicly.

    Skills Used :
    • • User Research
    • • User Interface Design
    • • HTML
    • • CSS
    • • Javascript
    • • Python
    • • SQL

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    SafePath (DubHacks 2017 Project) - Safe Path is a Facebook Messenger Bot that is capable of providing the safest path between the user’s location and any location specified by the user based on real time crime data statistics. The Bot is also capable of guiding the user through the safest path once they’ve decided which of the multiple shown paths they want to take. The easy to use Messenger interface also provides them with the option to navigate using the Google Maps application as well. The Bot interfaces with a front-end Messenger API as well as a back-end service that uses real time crime data to come up with a path between the destination and the user’s location that is currently the safest. The project was very well received and judged as the second-best hack during this hackathon.

    Technologies Used :
    • • Facebook Messenger API
    • • Google Maps API
    • • D3.js
    • • Javascript
    • • Heroku
    • • Python

Awards & Certifications

  • Awarded Bachelor of Science Cum Laude by the University of Washington, Seattle (2019)
  • Mobile Web Specialist - Google Certification
  • 1 st Place - University of Colorado Boulder - Emerging Tech Competition 2009
  • Sift Science Merit Scholarship for 2017 – 2018 by School of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Placed Runner’s Up for Best Hack 2017 For SafePath at Dubhacks 2017, University of Washington, Seattle.
  • Dean’s List, Autumn 2015, Winter 2016, Spring 2016, Autumn 2016, Winter 2017, Spring 2017, Summer 2017, Winter 2018, Spring 2018, Summer 2018, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Annual Dean’s List 2015 – 2016, 2016 – 2017 University of Washington, Seattle